Fund Changes in LBL Variable Life Products
Upcoming fund changes will affect Lincoln Benefit Life’s (LBL’s) variable life products. The following fund merger applies to:
- Investors Select
- Consultant VUL
- Consultant SL
- Consultant Accumulator CW
- Consultant Protector CW
- TotalAccumulator VUL CW
Fund Merger
The Board of Trustees of the Invesco Funds approved the reorganization of Invesco V.I. Value Opportunities Fund – Series I (“Merging Sub-Account”) into Invesco V.I. American Value Fund – Series I (“Acquiring Sub-Account”) on or about April 30, 2021 (“Conversion Date”).
The sub-account corresponding to the Merging Sub-Account will no longer be offered as an investment option under your product as of the Conversion Date. Consequently, we will no longer accept new premiums for investment in or permit transfers to the Merging Sub-Account on or after the Conversion Date.
Fund Name Changes
The following name changes occur on or about April 30, 2021:

The following name changes take place on or about May 1, 2021:

Letters regarding these changes were mailed to customers in March.
Customers and agents of LBL can view the updated product information by logging into our life website at To navigate to the product prospectuses, click ‘Product Performance & Rates’ in the upper right corner and select a product from the drop-down menu.
Contact LBL’s life service center at (844) 768-6780 with any questions.